Projected growth of fake food industry to $3 trillion gives globalists power and control over human health

Projected growth of fake food industry to $3 trillion gives globalists power and control over human health


Fake food is predicted to become a $3 trillion market; consulting firm McKinsey & Company predicted that 60 per cent of all materials in the economy could be produced this way, including fake meat, fake milk and fake fat.

Be on the lookout for industry buzzwords like precision fermentation, a term the biotech industry is using to piggyback off the popularity of truly health-promoting natural fermentation.

Fake, ultra-processed foods give the globalists unprecedented power and control over human health; the symposium goes into detail on how farmers, individuals and society can fight back.

The food supply is under attack. Whether it be from technocrats waging a war against real food, regulations that threaten food sovereignty or the use of toxic chemicals, humans’ right to access unadulterated, healthy food is slipping away.

The Attack on Food Symposium, hosted by Dr Meryl Nass and presented by Children’s Health Defense TV, brought together experts, including me, from a variety of disciplines to discuss the pressing topic of food security and provide solutions at the individual and societal levels. You can view the seven-hour event in its entirety below and my individual presentation below that.

Beginning at 3:30 in the video below, my presentation – “The Fake ‘Food as Medicine’ Agenda & Synthetic Foods” – focused on attacks on food and agriculture.

There’s an impending crisis coming with The Great Reset, and food is going to be a real issue – even more so than it is now. The globalists behind The Great Reset have long had a monopoly on food with their patented genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The primary purpose of GMOs was to facilitate the use of the toxic herbicide glyphosate, which Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, presents in the next section of the symposium video. But to understand what’s coming, it’s important to understand the past.

The biotech industry used lobbying to ensure GMOs would be treated as substantially equivalent to real food, essentially bypassing the requirement to do safety testing before releasing them on the market.

Their playbook is reminiscent of Big Tobacco’s tactics for a product that doesn’t harm you immediately but is detrimental gradually over time. An equally serious threat as GMOs has now emerged, however — synthetic food.

Sometimes referred to in industry jargon as “the bio revolution” or synbio (short for synthetic biology), consulting firm McKinsey & Company predicted that 60 per cent of all materials in the economy could be produced this way, including fake meat, fake milk and fake fat.

Their report noted, “As much as 60 per cent of the physical inputs to the global economy could, in principle, be produced biologically – about one-third of these inputs are biological materials (wood or animals bred for food) and the remaining two-thirds are nonbiological (plastics or fuels) but could potentially be produced or substituted using biology.”

Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are the major players in the fake meat marketplace. The first fake fat, Cultured Oil, has also been released. In June 2020, Bill Gates also announced startup company BIOMILQ, which is using biotechnology to create synthetic lab-made human milk for babies.

Using mammary epithelial cells placed in flasks with cell culture media, the cells grow and are placed in a bioreactor that the company says “recreates conditions similar to in the breast.”

Fake food companies want you to believe their products are natural because they’re made with components of plants, even though nothing like them exists in nature. Be on the lookout for their industry buzzwords like precision fermentation, a term the biotech industry is using to piggyback off the popularity of truly health-promoting natural fermentation.

Precision fermentation, however, is nothing like its natural counterpart. It’s a form of synthetic biology that’s been around for at least 20 years. It uses genetically engineered (GE) microorganisms, such as yeast and bacteria, that are fermented in brewery-style tanks under high-tech, pharmaceutical-grade sterile conditions. This is because these cultures are highly susceptible to contamination which would ruin the entire batch.

And, contamination can happen easily, so billions of dollars have been poured into this technology, which is using biological pathways that have never existed in nature before. They’ve obliterated the precautionary principle, as the long-term outcomes are completely unknown, to produce fake meats, fake fats and fake milk.

But it’s all serving the underlying agenda, which is total control and world domination. There’s no easier way to achieve this than by taking control of the food supply. These fake, ultra-processed foods give the globalists unprecedented power and control over human health, and they’re using stealthy marketing techniques.

I was approached by Zero Acre Farms about their Cultured Oil, which they’re promoting to restaurants as an inexpensive alternative to seed oils. Many know I’m passionate about raising awareness of seed oils’ devastating health effects, as they contain about 75 per cent linoleic acid and are contributing to rising rates of chronic disease.

This new Cultured Oil contains less than 1 per cent linoleic acid, so it sounds great – except it’s made using precision fermentation.

The term has even fooled many experts in the health industry, who believe it’s safe and natural. Instead, it’s another form of deception, changing the meaning of some of the most basic words in our vocabulary, like fermentation.

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