Counterterrorism and regional stability are new tricks Africa’s omnipresent dictators use to win Western support

Counterterrorism and regional stability are new tricks Africa’s omnipresent dictators use to win Western support

While regimes hoisted on cult of personality may appear durable – frequently deploying “anti-imperialist” and “anti-colonialist” rhetoric to appeal to African sympathies while also positioning themselves as key Western partners on counterterrorism and regional stability – they are inherently fragile.  Security services in such contexts are often used to suppress...

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How Africa’s ordinary souls ascend to power, then embrace ‘semi-divine’ tag to stifle political competition

How Africa’s ordinary souls ascend to power, then embrace ‘semi-divine’ tag to stifle political competition

When long-serving, neo-patrimonial leaders in Burkina Faso, Gambia, Zimbabwe and Sudan were forced to step down because of popular and youthful protests in recent years, the era of “presidents for life” in Africa seemed to be ending. Yet, for every such leader who has been forced from power, new ones...

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Putin: South Africa faces stern test of arresting sitting president as required by international law

Putin: South Africa faces stern test of arresting sitting president as required by international law

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an international arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for alleged war crimes regarding the unlawful deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia. Such acts are war crimes under two articles of the Rome Statute, which established the court. ICC arrest warrants against...

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Ukrainian revolution put Russian president in crosshairs as he resisted ‘colour-revolution’ scenarios

Ukrainian revolution put Russian president in crosshairs as he resisted ‘colour-revolution’ scenarios

In 2014 Ukraine’s “revolution of dignity” culminated in the ouster of a Russian-friendly president, Viktor Yanukovych, and this created fear in Moscow. For Russian President Vladimir Putin the revolt in Ukraine hit too close to home. He reacted by annexing Crimea (after a referendum that violated Ukraine’s constitution), while working...

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War of Surprises: Ukrainian resistance to Russian invasion has confounded military mavens world over

War of Surprises: Ukrainian resistance to Russian invasion has confounded military mavens world over

Some wars acquire names that stick. The Lancaster and York clans fought the War of the Roses from 1455-1485 to claim the British throne. The Hundred Years’ War pitted England against France from 1337-1453. In the Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648, many European countries clashed, while Britain and France waged the...

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The Great Reset: Why consumers should keep off fake foods and focus on natural human nutrition

The Great Reset: Why consumers should keep off fake foods and focus on natural human nutrition

The fake food industry wants people to believe that products produced with precision fermentation are no different from other fermented foods, like kimchi and yogurt. But what they fail to disclose is that the most often used organism in precision fermentation is the common bacteria E. coli. The E. coli...

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Projected growth of fake food industry to $3 trillion gives globalists power and control over human health

Projected growth of fake food industry to $3 trillion gives globalists power and control over human health

Fake food is predicted to become a $3 trillion market; consulting firm McKinsey & Company predicted that 60 per cent of all materials in the economy could be produced this way, including fake meat, fake milk and fake fat. Be on the lookout for industry buzzwords like precision fermentation, a...

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