How Central Africa Republic has become staging ground for America and Russia battle for influence in Africa

How Central Africa Republic has become staging ground for America and Russia battle for influence in Africa

Moscow aggressively expanded its military cooperation by using mercenaries like Wagner, who have operated in at least half a dozen countries since around 2017. They’re tasked with protecting African leaders and in some cases helping fight rebels and extremists.

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Investment in Uganda is euphemism for thievery as presidents Museveni and Kagame chaperon the looters

Investment in Uganda is euphemism for thievery as presidents Museveni and Kagame chaperon the looters

Uganda’s new generation of materialistic leadership is today dominated by people who spent five years in the bush (1981-86) robbing banks, cooperative unions, et cetera. They are now brazenly looting Uganda’s natural resources and depleting the national treasury by allocating taxpayers’ money to themselves and to preferred so-called investors who are predominantly foreigners from India and China.

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Was Jomo Kenyatta Ugandan? Scholars trace Kenya’s founding president’s ancestry to a Musoga woman called Katundu, who gave Gatundu its name

Was Jomo Kenyatta Ugandan? Scholars trace Kenya’s founding president’s ancestry to a Musoga woman called Katundu, who gave Gatundu its name

There is, however, another narrative of Jomo Kenyatta’s ancestry, which asserts that Kenyatta belonged to Soga culture and was thus a Musoga of the Chwezi Igaga clan, to which Prince Byaruhanga Ndahura, the founder of the Busoga Kingdom at Nnenda Hill, and His son Wamara Byaruhanga Ndahura, the first King of Busoga, belonged. According to a credible story, Kenyatta’s father was called Katagiro. Katagiro was engaged in a spear fight with some of his classmates over a “beautiful” woman called Katundu in a place called or close to Nsambya, near the location of Ikumbya Primary School, in Luuka County in present- day Luuka District.

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Chwezi and witchcraft: Why Ugandans fear Museveni and Kagame are keen on Tutsi political hegemony in East Africa

Chwezi and witchcraft: Why Ugandans fear Museveni and Kagame are keen on Tutsi political hegemony in East Africa

Currently, encouraged by the fact that power in Uganda is dominated by people of Tutsi/Hima extraction, the Tutsi wield the real power in the country. Many are local council leaders at all levels of administration, resident district commissioners, institutional leaders and even represent Ugandans at local and parliamentary levels. Others sit on the bench of judges while many hold ministerial positions. Many are definitely holding big positions in the Uganda armed forces, including prisons. This means that the best paid people in Uganda tend to belong to the same ethnicity. It is more or less the same people fuelling corruption in the country.

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Why mistrust between warring communities creates an arms race among pastoralists in Kenya

Why mistrust between warring communities creates an arms race among pastoralists in Kenya

Free movement across the rangelands is central to both the local economy and the pastoral lifestyle. But the creation of county borders following devolution in 2013 has interrupted that mobility and led to boundary disputes – particularly in areas with abundant grazing land, water and minerals, with communities vying for control.

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Kenya’s security paradox: Sandwiched between bandit communities citizens in the north query deployment of elite police to Haiti

Kenya’s security paradox: Sandwiched between bandit communities citizens in the north query deployment of elite police to Haiti

The North Rift region is made up of five counties: Turkana, Baringo, Samburu, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot. It’s known for its beautiful rugged terrain, arid landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Pastoralist communities – including the Turkana, Pokot, and Samburu – dominate the region.

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Rebuilding ancient Chwezi Empire: Why Ugandan and Rwandan leaders stash loot in Israel, want bigger East African Community

Rebuilding ancient Chwezi Empire: Why Ugandan and Rwandan leaders stash loot in Israel, want bigger East African Community

“We came from the beginning of the Nile where God Hapi dwells, at the foothills of The Mountains of the Moon.” “We,” meaning the Egyptians, as stated, came from the beginning of the Nile. Where is “the beginning of the Nile?” The farthest point of the beginning of the Nile is in Uganda; this is the White Nile. Another point is in Ethiopia. The Blue Nile and White Nile meet in Khartoum; and the other side of Khartoum is the Omdurman Republic of Sudan. From there it flows from the south down north. And there it meets with the Atbara River in Atbara, Sudan. Then it flows completely through Sudan (Ta-Nehisi, Ta-Zeti or Ta-Seti, as it was called), part of that ancient empire which was one time adjacent to the nation called Meroe or Merowe. From that, into the southern part of what the Romans called “Nubia,” and parallel on the Nile, part of which the Greeks called “Egypticus”; the English called it “Egypt” and the Jews in their mythology called it “Mizrain” which the current Arabs called Mizr/Mizrair. Thus it ends in the Sea of Sais, also called the Great Sea, today’s Mediterranean Sea. When we say thus, we want to make certain that Hapi is still God of the Nile, shown as a hermaphrodite having the breasts of a woman and the penis of a man. God Hapi is always shown tying two symbols of the “Two Lands,” Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, during Dynastic Periods, or from the beginning of the Dynastic Periods. The lotus flower is the symbol of the south, and the papyrus plant, the symbol of the north.

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Climate change forces Kenyan Maasai herders, famous for their culture and love for barbequed beef, to embrace fish

Climate change forces Kenyan Maasai herders, famous for their culture and love for barbequed beef, to embrace fish

Among the Maasai and other pastoralists in Kenya and wider East Africa – like the Samburu, Somali and Borana – cattle are also a status symbol, a source of wealth and part of key cultural events like marriages as part of dowries.

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Mechanics of moving wildlife with large body mass evolves, saves lonely African elephants

Mechanics of moving wildlife with large body mass evolves, saves lonely African elephants

The mechanics of moving an elephant to a new life are complex. Khalil doesn’t dart and tranquilise elephants, mainly because it’s not good for such a big animal. Also, four tonnes of tranquilised elephant is hardly any easier to move.

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Fall of Chwezi Kingdom is a tale of how Uganda’s traditional centres of power were killed to create Museveni Empire

For all intent and purposes, President Tibuhaburwa Museveni ruled like a king over a new kingdom called Uganda Kingdom. It was a new Chwezi dynasty in Uganda. He was glorified and worshiped. He promoted hereditary politics to service his new kingdom. The kingdom had laws and a judiciary but many laws were made by his word of mouth and what emanated from the judiciary as judgement often reflected what he wanted.

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