Kenya and US agree to ‘broaden and strengthen’ security partnership

Kenya and US agree to ‘broaden and strengthen’ security partnership

Kenya and the United States have agreed on a deal to broaden and strengthen the security partnership, US Army Southern European Task Force, Africa commander Major General Andrew M. Rohling, announced on Wednesday upon completion of a four-day tour to the East African nation between March 2 and March 5....

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AI: Balancing criminal legal system with rising uptake of new technology

AI: Balancing criminal legal system with rising uptake of new technology

Training more people on the basics of using data is part of Yeshimabeit Milner’smission to ensure tech is built equitably – and to bring into the conversation more people who have experienced algorithmic harms. Milner is cofounder and executive director of the non-profit Data 4 Black Lives, which examines how...

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Holy weed: Colorado cannabis farms puff out more gases than coal mines

Holy weed: Colorado cannabis farms puff out more gases than coal mines

Legal cannabis production in Colorado emits more greenhouse gases than the state’s coal mining industry, researchers analysing the sector’s energy use have found. The production and use of cannabis for medical or recreational reasons is now legal in several US states, which has led to a booming industry. Hailey Summers...

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Zimbabwe repatriates 20 poached DRC primates in transit to South Africa

Zimbabwe repatriates 20 poached DRC primates in transit to South Africa

After months of coordinated international effort the Jeunes Animaux Confisqués au Katanga (JACK) sanctuary welcomed 20 monkeys to their new home. The monkeys, natives of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), were confiscated in September 2020 following a surgical strike on an international wildlife crime syndicate that operates between the...

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