Back in August 2022, The Exposé highlighted scientific evidence showing the Covid-19 jabs can cause cancer of the ovaries, pancreas and breast and that “a monumental cover-up is taking place to suppress the consequences … on women’s health.”
“Research shows SARS-CoV-2 spike protein obliterates 90 per cent of the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells that help your body fight infection and chronic disease, including cancer.”
The research in question was that of Jiang and Mei, who published a peer-reviewed article showing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein obliterated the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes, white blood cells that play an important role in your immune system. Lymphocytes help your body fight infection and chronic disease, including cancer.
Professional data analyst Joel Smalley writes, “The viral spike protein was so toxic to this pathway that it knocked 90 per cent of it out. If the whole spike protein got into the nucleus (in the ovaries) and enough of it was produced and hung around long enough before the body was able to get rid of it all, it would cause cancer.
“Fortunately, in the case of natural infection, this is unlikely to occur.
“Unfortunately, the experimental mRNA toxshot induces spike protein to be produced (the full-length spike exactly matching – amino acid for amino acid – the full length of the viral spike protein) in and around the cell nucleus and is produced for at least 60 days and almost certainly longer.
“‘Fact checkers’ said the viral spike protein doesn’t get in the nucleus despite the expert scientists showing that it absolutely does. Public health authorities and regulators said the vaccinal spike protein doesn’t get in the nucleus despite the mRNA manufacturers submitting pictures of it doing so to them as part of their emergency use application. …
“Jiang and Mei, quite logically and reasonably, cautioned that the mRNA spike protein would likely have the same effect as the viral spike protein on p53 and therefore cause cancer. …
“[The] Jiang and Mei paper was retracted due to spurious ‘expressions of concern’ (EOC) about the methods of the study despite them being standard practice. …
“Well, despite the retraction, the spike protein circulating in large quantities, in the direct vicinity of the cell nucleus, for elongated periods of time, still has the potential to induce cancer in those cells (ovary, pancreas, breast, prostate, lymph nodes).
“These cancers can take years to develop and so it’s possible that we don’t see much of a safety signal for 5 or 10 years.”
As noted by Smalley, one of the authors of the EOC that led to the retraction of the paper was Eric Freed, who heads up the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Cancer Research.
He’s been a tenured investigator with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and National Institutes of Health since 2002, the very agencies that funded Moderna’s mRNA jab, yet this conflict of interest was not disclosed in the EOC.
At the end of September 2022, The Atlantic featured the story of Belgian immunologist Michel Goldman, 67, who in the spring of 2021 got his first and second Covid-19 shot. In the fall of that year, he was diagnosed with lymphoma, cancer of the immune system.
Mere weeks after his body scan and diagnosis, he got his first booster, thinking he needed it since he’d soon become immunocompromised by the chemotherapy. But the booster caused a rapid decline in his health.
Another body scan at the end of September 2021, just three weeks after his first scan, revealed “a brand-new barrage of cancer lesions – so many spots that it looked like someone had set off fireworks inside Michel’s body,” Roxanne Khamsi writes.
She continues, “More than that, the lesions were now prominent on both sides of the body, with new clusters blooming in Michel’s right armpit, and along the right side of his neck. When Michel’s hematologist saw the scan, she told him to report directly to the nearest hospital pharmacy. He’d have to start on steroid pills right away, she told him. Such a swift progression for lymphoma in just three weeks was highly unusual, and he could not risk waiting a single day longer.
“As he followed these instructions, Michel felt a gnawing worry that his Covid booster shot had somehow made him sicker. His brother [Serge, head of nuclear medicine at the hospital of the Université Libre de Bruxelles] was harbouring a similar concern.
“The asymmetrical cluster of cancerous nodes around Michel’s left armpit on the initial scan had already seemed ‘a bit disturbing,’ as his brother said; especially given that Michel’s first two doses of vaccine had been delivered on that side. Now he’d had a booster shot in the other arm, and the cancer’s asymmetry was flipped.
“The brothers knew this might be just an eerie coincidence. But they couldn’t shake the feeling that Michel had experienced what would be a very rare yet life-threatening side effect of Covid vaccination.”
Goldman, who was an early champion of the mRNA Covid-19 shots, now “suspected that he was their unlucky victim,” Khamsi writes. He decided to go public about his cancer despite fears “anti-vaxxers” would use it to argue against the Covid-19 jab. His concern for people who had the same type of cancer he had won out.
There are approximately 30 different subtypes of lymphoma. The kind Goldman had – angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma – attacks follicular helper T cells, which play a crucial role in your body’s immune response to invading pathogens.
Helper T cells serve as a messenger between dendritic cells, which identify the pathogen, and B cells, which make the appropriate antibodies. The mRNA Covid-19 shots “are especially effective at generating that message and spurring its passage through the helper T cells,” Khamsi writes.
This activation of helper T cells is part of what makes the Covid-19 jabs work. But Goldman began to suspect that revving up those helper T cells might in some cases cause them to go berserk, resulting in tumours, or worsening of already existing ones.
Goldman was lucky. He lived to talk about it. Many others have not been so fortunate. And while he still believes he’s an “ultra-rare” case, he’s since received reports from other patients who suddenly developed angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma after their shots.
As reported by Khamsi, “Around the time of his February follow-up, Michel received a message from a doctor who had read his self-referential case report. The doctor’s mother had been diagnosed with the same subtype of lymphoma that Michel has following a Covid booster shot.
“More recently, he got an email from a woman whose sister had been vaccinated and received that diagnosis the following month.”