Trap or collaboration? Fears rise globally about growing Chinese influence in Africa’s security sector
Technical disciplines within the Chinese police system are taught within the larger context of China’s political system. The CCP’s definition of terrorism, for example, derives in part from weiwen. This includes curbing anti-government uprisings and what the CCP calls the “three evils” (san gu shili: terrorism, “splitism” or separatism and religious extremism. This approach, in turn, informs China’s international counterterrorism partnerships.
Kenya and Uganda have copied Chinese policing models, other African countries are following suit
Between 2003 and 2017, African countries secured $3.56 billion in Chinese loans for public security, including surveillance systems, national security networks, and other security wares like anti-riot gear. This figure is almost certainly an undercount given that the bulk of this equipment is included in military sales.
Expert says racism in football is often caused by jealousy of Black players’ flair, exuberance native Europeans lack
Experts believe the global outrage, widespread reaction and outpouring of support for Vinícius following his latest abuse could mark a turning point in the fight against racism in Spain. It certainly struck a chord in Brazil, where there were protests outside the Spanish Consulate in Sao Paulo, while the Spanish league is now seeking to increase its authority to issue sanctions. Its protocol up to now has been to detect and denounce incidents and pass evidence to courts, where cases are typically shelved.
Uganda gay law: Homosexuality mutating into new tool of imperialism West is using to cast Africa as uncivilised, backward, savage and homophobic
It is clear that the Global Homosexuality Movement is determined not only to stay afloat but to penetrate Africa by hook or crook but using highly educated Africans, many trained in the West. Now that Uganda has got a law to fight homosexuality, it needs to open up to confront the movement using national debates especially among the youth and at our universities. It will be necessary to take stock of our masters and doctorate graduates who got their education in the West and acquaint the country with their topics of research.