Women consultants, I want to share a piece of advice I often share with my clients. The subject of the advice is: What I focus on expands. And it is in the mind – the longer it dwells in the mind, it becomes etched into it and also deeply rooted to a defining point where it can make or break you.
Here we go! Have you ever noticed that when you’re thinking about buying a new car, you start seeing that exact car everywhere you go? It can set off revulsion or affiliation aster it becomes ingrained in the mind. Our minds are therefore powerful and we often set ourselves up for success or failure without ever realising it in the way we think, behave and choose, which is what we give our most attention to.
This is especially important at the moment with the hundreds of negative headlines we are exposed to in the news each week. What I focus on expands. It becomes entrenched and believable! It becomes the centripetal of my decisions as it – in art – forms and informs my worldview.
Focusing on struggle will bring about more struggle, because we see what we expect to see. We like to think that we only perceive reality. But actually, we are constantly filtering reality through the lenses we already have developed as result of our focus.
This means that the single most important thing we can do to prepare ourselves for business growth, is to train ourselves to focus not on scarcity, but on abundance. However, our brains and thought patterns aren’t fixed. We have the ability to retrain and redirect our thoughts – it just takes practice, which in turn creates a habit.
I’ve created a free PDF report called The Six Elements of a Seven Figure Business. It’s my most popular free resource and in it I outline the six areas of unscaled businesses that need to change in order to move past being ‘booked up and burned out’ and shifting into that higher gear that gets you cruising again.
It’s the framework that helps consultant women like you find their feet and get back to leading the business, rather than being buried in client work and back-end business operations.
- A Tell report/ Edited /Reproduced courtesy of Jessica Fearnley Visit : jessicafearnley.com