US politics: If you want an election issue, prioritise how an overheated planet will affect our children
Here’s the news on climate emergency in a nutshell: it’s only going to get precipitously (as in going off the edge of a cliff) worse, especially if humanity doesn’t take collective action in the coming years to bring the burning of fossil fuels under far greater control, while increasing the...
Future heatwave: When will climate change become the crucial issue in American elections?
Believe me, it’s strange to be an old man and feel like you’re living on a new planet. On November 7, the day before the midterm elections, I took my usual afternoon walk in New York City and I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt! That was a first for me....
With highest number of remandees awaiting trial, Nigeria’s criminal justice system is in itself ‘criminal’
Nigeria’s prison population is more than 76,000, housed in 240 correctional centres. About 70 per cent of these inmates are still awaiting trial. They have been arrested and charged, but not yet convicted or cleared. This is the highest percentage of awaiting-trial prisoners in Africa. World Prison Brief’s latest report...
Vaccine fraud: Pfizer’s six-month results show 4 times greater risk of cardiac arrest in vaccinated participants
There was a substantial decrease in Covid-19 deaths in the eldest age group (85+) in Massachusetts that cannot not be plausibly explained. The paradoxical drop in deaths in the most elderly (85+) is best explained by the substantial jump in deaths from the previous year in that age group. SARS-CoV-2...
Covid fraud: Evidence from death certificates in Massachusetts suggest vaccines may have killed more people
Death certificates in Massachusetts, US, suggest high mortality may have been caused by Covid vaccines In this article, I highlight the work of independent investigator John Beaudoin Sr, who analysed nearly seven years of Massachusetts death certificates he obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Beaudoin’s findings demonstrate...