Vaccine safety advocate Brandy Vaughan mysterious death sums up Africa’s ‘suicide’ via ‘dirty’ drugs
When Covid ravaged the world between from late 2019 to 2022, Africa looked destined for what had been cast as imminent Armageddon in Africa, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa raised a key concern that African scientists have yet to address: To what extent should Africans trust vaccines manufactured by Big Pharma in the West?
The question echoes serious concerns that had been raised by vaccine safety activist Brandy Vaughan – a senior scientist and former senior employee of Merck Pharmaceutical company – before her mysterious death in 2019. Brandy had become a ‘vexation’ to Big Pharma and it is suspected they eliminated her to maintain a steady stream of mega profits.
As chairman of the African Union, a position that placed him at the top in the pecking of African leadership to seek interventions to prevent the annihilation of the continent by the pandemic. Ramaphosa openly expressed strong reservations about the contents of the vaccines that were developed in record time and were in circulation with the nod of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCs) in the United States, Europe and Canada.
Ramaphosa’s strong reservations encapsulated the fears, doubts and suspicions that followed approval and licensing of Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson&Johnson vaccines, which to this day have not been accepted by non-whites in the US and other parts of the world. The South African president said local (African) production of vaccines would erase fears about the safety and efficacy of drugs and vaccines manufactured in outside the continent.
As he proposed local production of vaccines, it was perceived outside Africa that he was perpetuating conspiracy theory following allegations that Covid-19 is man-made and intended to eliminate African populations around the world.
However, his concern was: The safety of the drugs and vaccines manufactured abroad and sold to Africa without verification of the contents and their efficacy posed a risk. The concern has long informed the fears of a conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies to compromise the health African-American and Africans and their diaspora populations.
While the debate routinely fades into racism and xenophobia, questions remain about why governments in developing world – particularly Africa – have never robustly addressed the allegations despite serious health risks they posed.
Evidence collected by independent scientists and alternative media have informed a strong argument that has fallen short of labelling Big Pharma as criminal enterprises that are driven by greed, racism and xenophobia that in most instances take the form of profits, according Brandy Vaughan.
The whistle-blower disappeared mysteriously after she raised ethical and moral questions about the business models of Big Pharma, pointing out that profits take precedence over life. This was after she made public how and why 88,000 patients who used Merck Pharmaceutical’s Vioxx painkillers died. Worse, Merck continued manufacturing and distributing the so-called painkillers many years after they were banned.
Brandy Vaughn, a trained medic who began her career began her career as a top Merck representative who became an outspoken advocate for safe vaccines, founded Learn The Risk to fight the wave of mandatory vaccination laws initiated by the pharmaceutical industry.
She began her career as a top Merck representative who later became an outspoken advocate for safe vaccines.
Since Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office announced it was investigating the sudden death of Brandy Vaughn, who died December 7, 2021, no details have been made public. A spokesperson for the sheriff’s office said later in a statement that investigators were not going to determine the cause of Vaughn’s death until the completion of pending toxicology screening, a process that normally takes 4-6 weeks.
Brandy’s death was originally reported as resulting from gallbladder complications. But many of her friends and co-activists in the vaccine safety movement suspect foul play. Those suspicions have gained traction due to a wave of mysterious deaths – many of them violent – among alternative and integrative medical doctors in recent years.
Instructively, her death coincided with worldwide mandatory Covid-19 vaccination regimens.
In response to this trend, Brandy made a Facebook post almost exactly a year before her death in which she said, “If something were to happen to me, I have arranged for a close group of my friends … to hire a team of private investigators to figure out all the details…”
Brandy’s Facebook post said on December 1, 2019: “The post I wish didn’t have to write…But given certain sudden tragedies over the past couple of years, I feel it’s absolutely necessary to post these 10 facts…and please screenshot this for the record.
The activist pointed out, “I’ve never had any thoughts of taking my own life, not once, ever. Even before I had my son. I have a huge mission in this life. Even when they make it very difficult and scary, I would never take my own life. Period. (My son) Bastien means everything to me and I would never leave him. Period. I have sole custody and he needs me as much as I need him. I would never think of leaving him for a second. I have never been on an anti-depressant nor been diagnosed as depressed – don’t believe it if you ever hear anything like this.”
“I’ve never taken a daily pharmaceutical drug. And I haven’t taken any pharmaceuticals in 10 years (and ten years ago it was one pill, one day). Nothing over the counter, nothing by prescription. In other words, I’m not on anything that could kill me unexpectedly or suddenly. I’ve never done illegal drugs either. Not even once.
“There’s no way anyone could get into my house, no robbers, no angry exes (which I don’t have by the way), no fanatical people – my house is like Fort Knox…unless it was someone super professional. It just wouldn’t be possible for anyone without highly special equipment and tactics (i.e., remotely taking down my high-level security system, which they have done before, unfortunately). But my place is also highly secure in a hard-wired kinda way. So even if the power was out, most people could still never get in.
“If something were to happen to me, it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why – given my work and mission in this life. I’m also not accident prone. And I got the highest health rating possible when I went through a battery of medical tests a couple of years ago for my life insurance policy.
“If something were to happen to me, I have arranged for a close group of my friends to start a GoFundMe to hire a team of private investigators to figure out all the details (I have the team and have passed the info on to them). Oh, and money for a PR (public relations) firm to make it national news. There would be a press release sent to every journalist in this country (and more). It would not be swept under the rug and it would be their worst nightmare.
“There have been many on this mission or a similar one that have been killed and it’s time this bullshit stopped. The darkness cannot win. I will never stop speaking out for those who no longer can. Even if from the other side, where I imagine I would be far more powerful. I have a team of angels surrounding me every step of this journey, but prayers of protection and love are always appreciated.”
According to Defender, published by Children’s Health Defense – a charity – Brandy had followed the stories of a number of natural health physicians and activists who, like herself, were outspoken critics of Big Pharma, and who had died suddenly and in some cases mysteriously.
Brandy founded Learn The Risk in response to one of the nation’s first mandatory vaccination for education laws – SB277 in California.
After leaving the pharmaceutical industry, Brandy lived eight years in Europe where she saw how healthcare is handled in nations less corrupted by the pharmaceutical paradigm. She gave birth to her son Bastien while overseas.
Brandy then spent several years researching vaccine ingredients and the risks of vaccinating versus not vaccinating. Brandy chose to raise her son without chemical interference, and in her words:
“You owe it to your child to do your own research and not just believe everything you’re told, especially when it’s only one side of the story – the one that prioritises profit over your child’s health.”
Brandy travelled the world educating people at numerous events, rallies and symposiums. She truly was an inspirational shining light. Her many devoted followers admired her passion, ferocity, fortitude, honesty and especially her amazing knowledge and fearlessness in debating anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Deemed a warrior, great mother and revolutionary by friends, Brandy is survived by her nine-year old son, Bastien, the love of her life. Bastien will join his grandparents and father in France shortly. Children’s Health Defense is following the investigations into Brandy’s death, which will shed light on the brute force and deviousness in the drug industry.
- A Tell report