Rapists or peacekeepers? Investigators alarmed by UN inaction on sex abuse by Rwandan soldiers in Central African Republic

Rapists or peacekeepers? Investigators alarmed by UN inaction on sex abuse by Rwandan soldiers in Central African Republic


The memorandum of understanding between the UN and troop-contributing countries (TCC) leaves member-states with primary jurisdiction over their soldiers. That means TCCs are responsible for conducting investigations into sexual abuse and exploitation allegations and holding their troops to account.

The UN can repatriate a peacekeeper and ban them from being part of future missions, but it cannot hold them criminally liable. The system suits member states – who don’t want their soldiers exposed to the legal systems of fragile countries – but results in major accountability shortcomings.

Women and girls in the Central African Republic are continuing to have their lives ruined by sexual abuse and exploitation committed by UN peacekeepers, and many are not reporting cases to the mission on the ground because they fear reprisals, don’t know who to contact, or lack faith that action will be taken.

Peacekeeper sex abuse is rife despite prevention efforts from MINUSCA. Women said they aren’t reporting their cases to MINUSCA because they fear reprisals, don’t know who to contact or lack faith that action will be taken.

Some local NGOs that support survivors said they are also not reporting cases to MINUSCA.

A public UN database has recorded allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation against over 730 peacekeepers working for the UN mission in CAR (known by its acronym MINUSCA) since 2015, yet The New Humanitarian spoke to 19 women who have not reported abuse as well as civil society groups that said they are also not sharing claims despite recording a “constant” flow of new cases.

“If I haven’t gone to see MINUSCA, it is because I don’t know who to turn to, but also because I am afraid,” said Jeanne*, a fruit and vegetable vendor who said she was raped by a Rwandan peacekeeper last year. “They say that their peacekeepers have come from their country to protect us, only to rape us, so what can we do?”

MINUSCA deployed to CAR in 2014 when an alliance of rebels called the Séléka ousted then-president François Bozizé, triggering widespread communal violence. Though the mission is credited for saving lives, its blue helmets have committed egregious cases of sex abuse that have destroyed lives and severely tarnished the mission’s reputation.

A map of the Central African Republic with locator dots on the capital, Bangui, and other cities: Bria, Bambari, Kaga-Bandoro, Paoua.

In one case, dozens of women and girls came forward accusing Burundian and Gabonese peacekeepers of abuse and exploitation in a rural town. On another occasion, the UN was accused of failing to take action and stop the abuse of children by primarily French peacekeepers in 2013 and 2014, in the capital, Bangui.

Past investigations in 2018 and 2019 by The New Humanitarian showed how survivors of peacekeeper abuse in CAR received limited assistance from MINUSCA and partner organisations and were let down by investigations that took too long and often discounted and discredited survivor testimonies.

The New Humanitarian’s latest reporting – carried out in 2023 and 2024 and involving interviews with 19 survivors and half a dozen organisations and lawyers that support women – shows the devastating and enduring impact that abuse can have, and further underscores how the UN’s “zero tolerance” policy for abuse and exploitation has failed to eliminate the problem.

The investigation revealed a lack of awareness among survivors of the channels that they can use to report cases, such as a toll-free telephone line, which means the scale of abuse and exploitation is likely to be significantly higher than has been officially documented by MINUSCA.

The investigation also found strained relations between MINUSCA and some local NGOs and lawyers that support survivors. They said they have stopped reporting cases to the mission because of past inaction, or criticised the fact that perpetrators are under the legal jurisdiction of their home countries, which have a patchy record on conducting timely investigations and taking appropriate disciplinary measures.

Malick Karomschi, the president of the Muslim Organisation for Innovation in Central African Republic, an NGO that is well known among survivors and has a large network across the country, said he has registered 313 cases involving MINUSCA since 2014 – 307 peacekeepers and six civilian staff – but has only referred 43 to the mission because of past experiences where he said cases weren’t properly investigated.

In an interview last year, Karomschi said cases of abuse are “constant even in Bangui”, and that many women choose not to report to the mission. “The victims think it is pointless when they talk to each other about it, and what can I tell them? It is not as if I can prove to them that MINUSCA can help.”

Christian Saunders, the special coordinator on improving the UN’s response to sexual exploitation and abuse, said that upwards of 90 per cent of all sexual abuse and exploitation cases go unreported globally, and that peacekeeping missions are no exception. Saunders said MINUSCA has done a lot to improve awareness of how to report abuse but will “up our game” given the issues raised by The New Humanitarian.

A stylised quote from, Jeanne, a fruit and vegetable vendor who said she was raped by a Rwandan peacekeeper. The quote is written in serif font and reads: “If I haven’t gone to see MINUSCA, it is because I don’t know who to turn to, but also because I am afraid.”

MINUSCA declined a request for an interview with its top official, Valentine Rugwabiza, and instead sent answers via an unnamed spokesperson. The spokesperson said the mission has put “a lot of effort” into raising awareness of reporting and building trust with communities, and is committed to providing survivors with medical, psychological, and legal assistance, among other forms of support.

“The risk of misconduct remains high in MINUSCA, in part because of an environment compounded by many vulnerabilities, including poverty, illiteracy, varying levels of access to information and the normalisation of sexual and gender-based violence as well as limited access and a lack of basic public infrastructures, services, and institutions in certain areas,” the spokesperson said.

Women and girls face multiple struggles in CAR, where high levels of humanitarian need – nearly half the population needs assistance and one in five are displaced – have left many vulnerable to gendered violence and exploitation by peacekeepers and other armed forces, whether that’s government soldiers, mercenaries, or rebels.

The humanitarian need is linked to war and a neglectful government, although the crisis has deeper roots: For over 200 years, CAR was the site of migration and displacement linked to slave raiding by nearby sultanates, and to the brutal French colonial period during which half the population perished.

Of the 19 women interviewed, 10 said they were raped by peacekeepers between 2022 and 2023 – accounts corroborated by local NGO workers and through medical records, while others reported attacks from 2014 onwards. Women described cases of gang rape and incidents where peacekeepers threatened their lives if they did not comply. The allegations involved at least 36 peacekeepers.

Most of the alleged assaults were committed in provincial towns, although several happened in Bangui, where MINUSCA is headquartered. Several women cited perpetrators from Burundi, Cameroon and Mauritania, which have been accused of sexual abuse in CAR on many occasions yet continue to contribute to the mission.

The women all described having their lives upended, with many forced to abandon their towns and livelihoods because of fear and community stigma. Some said they caught sexually transmitted diseases from abusers, while others said they had peacekeeper-fathered children who they have had to support alone.

Twenty-year-old Louna said she and her sister, who sold porridge on the streets of the northern town of Kaga-Bandoro, were gang raped in 2022 by six Burundian peacekeepers who said they were in her neighbourhood searching for a rebel. She said they identified the men by patches on their clothing.

“They broke into our house while my older sister and I were sleeping,” Louna said. “I screamed so much that they held me by the throat to stop me from making any more noise.” Louna said she was stigmatised by her neighbours after the attack and left for Bangui, where she is now struggling to support herself and her child.

Jeanne, the fruit and vegetable seller, said she was raped by a Rwandan peacekeeper who invited her to his Bangui base last year to calculate how much money he owed her after buying produce. “He told me: ‘You are not going out today. You are coming with me.’ He put a grenade on the table before saying: ‘It’s either sex or death,’” Jeanne said.

After returning home, Jeanne said she told her sister what had just happened. It didn’t take long for the news to then spread, and she felt stigmatised. “These days, my neighbours insult me,” she said. “I don’t sell as much as I used to, and I don’t dare to sell to the peacekeepers anymore, so it is becoming financially hard.”

Twenty-eight-year-old Grace, who is from the northern town of Paoua, said she was offered a drink in her neighbourhood by four Rwandan soldiers on Valentine’s Day last year. Ten minutes after taking the drink, she said she started feeling dizzy and blacked out. She said she then woke up three hours later with semen between her legs.

Grace’s ordeal continued as her husband accused her of provoking the situation, and her neighbours called her the “wife of Rwandans”. Unable to bear the abuse, Grace said she left Paoua with her two children and joined her grandmother in Bangui. “They say [the peacekeepers are] there to protect us, but you can see what they’re doing,” Grace said. “I lost everything and fled with my children, while they are left in peace.”

The New Humanitarian also interviewed two women who said they were raped by Rwandan troops in Ndassima, a gold mining area where MINUSCA does not have a base. It is likely the soldiers were deployed through a separate bilateral partnership – whereby Rwanda supports CAR’s government in exchange for mining concessions and land – and the cases are not therefore included in the 19 cited in this story.

The number of accusations against Rwanda – three women alleged abuse by six peacekeepers in addition to the two involving bilateral troops – dents Kigali’s reputation for having disciplined troops and underscores the partial picture provided by the UN database, which has recorded only two allegations involving Rwanda, despite it being the main provider of blue helmets in CAR.

The MINUSCA spokesperson said the mission has “a comprehensive strategy” to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse by its personnel. They said military contingents are regularly trained on prohibitions; commanders conduct surprise roll calls and have introduced checkpoints to limit opportunities for misconduct; and camps are laid out to mitigate risks, with attention given to water points, entry gates, and living conditions.

To help women report abuse, the MINUSCA spokesperson said the mission has set up local prevention and response committees composed of over 1,200 community members and leaders in 42 localities where peacekeepers operate. The committees work with the mission “to raise awareness on the issue and on how to report, and help facilitate victims’ referral for assistance”, the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added that MINUSCA conducts awareness campaigns on misconduct and how to report it, through mission and local radio channels and SMS messages and through in-person outreach activities in schools and among specific groups. To lodge a complaint, they said survivors can use a toll-free number or report through UN agencies and local and international NGOs in addition to the mission.

*The names of all survivors have been changed to protect their confidentiality and prevent reprisals.

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