Officers from the military and police components of what is now Atmis (African Union Transition Mission in Somalia) were honoured for, among others, their part in the formation and operationalisation of the mission from its previous incarnation as Amisom (AU Mission in Somalia).
Seventy-four officers including sector commanders, staff officers attached to Atmis Force headquarters and individual police officers who completed their tour of duty, were honoured at a medal and farewell ceremony in Mogadishu, presided over by Fiona Lortan, Deputy Special Representative Chairperson of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) chair for Somalia, last week.
She told the officers on parade their contribution to peace and stability in Somalia was invaluable, particularly during the Amisom/Atmis transition.
Atmis Force Commander, Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya, praised the officers for “distinguished service to the mission” and the strict discipline that enabled them to deliver.
“I laud our soldiers in various sectors as well as their commanders for visible and sustainable efforts in discharging assigned missions and tasks. You remained the greatest asset to disrupt and degrade Al-Shabaab in the Atmis area of responsibility. This enabled creation of favourable conditions for peace and stability to prevail in the main population centres of Somalia,” he said.
- A Tell report