Confusion, upset and fear are hallmarks of shrinking White majority in US as multiracial demographics surge

Confusion, upset and fear are hallmarks of shrinking White majority in US as multiracial demographics surge

Vice President Kamala Harris campaigns in Milwaukee, on August 20, 2024. America has long been a self-styled “melting pot” of people who trace their origins around the world, but in practice some states legally segregated citizens by race until the civil rights laws of the 1960s and laws prohibiting interracial marriage were not overturned until 1967. Credit: Reuters

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Biggest diamond in over 100 years that weighs a whopping 2,492 carats is mines in Botswana

Biggest diamond in over 100 years that weighs a whopping 2,492 carats is mines in Botswana

Before this discovery, the Sewelo diamond, which was found at the Karowe Mine in 2019, was recognised as the second-biggest mined diamond in the world at 1,758 carats. It was bought by French fashion house Louis Vuitton for an undisclosed amount.

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Bogged down by hefty foreign debts Africa now wants next COP summit to consider raising climate financing

Bogged down by hefty foreign debts Africa now wants next COP summit to consider raising climate financing

One way of increasing Africa’s share of climate cash is to boost access to existing global funds set up for the purpose, Mohamed said, such as the Green Climate Fund and the Global Adaptation Fund.

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Alreay rapidly running out of mothers, experts warn China’s new urbanisation policy will thwart its ‘birth-friendly society’ goal

At a twice-a-decade top political gathering last month, China announced plans to build a “birth-friendly society” – pledging to implement measures long-called for by population experts, such as lowering childcare and education costs.

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Uganda seeks to expand crude oil discoveries with more explorations in north and northeast

Uganda seeks to expand crude oil discoveries with more explorations in north and northeast

Uganda has five basins where hydrocarbon potential is suspected, with only one, the Albertine, successfully explored so far, the energy ministry says. The two oil fields in the Albertine basin – Tilenga and Kingfisher – are majority-owned by TotalEnergies with a 56.7 per cent stake, while China’s CNOOC and the Uganda national oil company UNOC own the remaining share.

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Eastern Congo registers highest mpox incidence as new cases surpass 1,000 in the past week

Eastern Congo registers highest mpox incidence as new cases surpass 1,000 in the past week

Over the last seven days, Congo recorded 1,030 of the 1,405 new cases in Africa according to statistics provided late Tuesday by the Africa CDC. Only 16 per cent of the cases have been confirmed by virus tests, but the infections meet the agency’s definition of the disease.

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After US top diplomat fails to secure Middle East Biden ceaseefire Biden calls Netanyahu over urgency for peace deal

After US top diplomat fails to secure Middle East Biden ceaseefire Biden calls Netanyahu over urgency for peace deal

The United States has ordered a guided missile submarine be deployed to the Middle East and ordered the Abraham Lincoln strike group to accelerate its deployment to the region to be on hand to bolster Israel’s defence.

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Bill Clinton tears into Trump at Democratic convention that introduced Harris’ running mate Walz to Americans

Bill Clinton tears into Trump at Democratic convention that introduced Harris’ running mate Walz to Americans

Many Americans had never heard of Tim Walz until Harris made him her running mate. In his first weeks of campaigning, he’s charmed supporters with his background and helped to balance Harris’ coastal background as a cultural representative of Midwestern states whose voters she needs this fall.

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