African researchers want more say in genomics data

African researchers want more say in genomics data

Many human genome studies ask participants to sign a form that gives them little direct control over how their data will be used. But a panel of researchers in Africa says that this can fuel distrust between researchers and participants, and needs to change. This stark message comes in a...

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Decarbonisation: Why Africa is investing more and faster in gas, renewable energy

Decarbonisation: Why Africa is investing more and faster in gas, renewable energy

The power sector accounts for up to 41 per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions today, with Africa contributing about 2-3 per cent. In parallel, there are still over 580 million people on the continent who do not have access to reliable energy and the demand for electricity is expected...

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Wildlife species diminish as trade shoots up even in protected areas

Wildlife species diminish as trade shoots up even in protected areas

Wildlife trafficking is having a profound negative impact on biodiversity, a new analysis finds. Hunting and trapping to feed international and national trade networks threaten numerous species, the researchers report, even those living in protected areas. “This study adds to the growing body of evidence that commercial wildlife trade is...

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