Congolese authorities say attempted jailbreak by over 12,000 inmates aborted, prisoners killed
There was no public comment on Monday’s incident yet from Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi, who is in China on an official visit. Justice Minister Constant Mutamba called the attack a “premeditated act of sabotage” that was carried out against efforts to improve the condition of prisons.
Irony of DR Congo turning to abusive Wazalendo militias to help national army to fight M23 rebels
Increasing Rwandan support has allowed the M23 to massively expand its footprint this year, overshadowing other insurgencies in the east and raising the risk of a major regional conflagration between Rwanda and DRC and its allies.
Martial court in Congo sentences to death leaders of rebel coalition unveiled in Kenya last year
The AFC is a political-military movement launched by Nangaa in December with the aim of uniting armed groups, political parties and civil society against Congo’s government. One of its most renown members is the M23, an armed group accused of mass killings in eastern Congo’s decadeslong conflict.