Domino effect: Arrest and release of Tanzania opposition leaders linked to youth protests in Kenya
“We won’t provide a chance to a few criminals to destroy peace by copying what is happening in neighbouring countries,” police commissioner Awadh Haji said late on Monday, a likely reference to weeks of youth-led protests in Kenya this year which inspired demonstrations in Nigeria and Uganda.
Kamala Harris candidature excites Black voters, inspire hope and cause panic she takes centre stage
President Joe Biden’s support of Kamala Harris and the immediate coalescing of other party leaders around her makes her the prohibitive favourite to replace him at the top of the presidential ticket. But in interviews in Atlanta, where voters helped flip Georgia for Democrats four years ago, some Black voters were nervous.
President remains defiant despite calls on him by more Democrats to drop out of the race
The divide among Democrats stood in sharp contrast to the scenes that played out this week at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where former party rivals united around Trump, who accepted the Republican nomination in a rambling speech that featured his familiar mix of grievance and bombast.
With military as Rwanda’s main exportable ‘goods’, world looks increasingly weary of Mr 99 Per Cent, Kagame
Indeed, many foreign powers still appreciate Kagame’s ability to transform post-genocide Rwanda into what he and some of them like to characterise as the ‘Singapore of Africa’ – an effective state worth sacrificing some democracy and liberty for. Kagame has taken full advantage of such international approval, making himself a reliable partner of the global, particularly Western, community. He has achieved this largely by deploying his comparatively efficient army.