Uganda is a mega-monarchy today with small monarchy-like entities where human rights do not matter

Uganda is a mega-monarchy today with small monarchy-like entities where human rights do not matter

Land grabbing has proved greatly injurious to the environment with long-term dire consequences for humanity not only in Uganda but also in the region and the world. For example Mabira Rain Forest, whose influence on climate in Uganda, the region and the world has been reduced to a miniature by the land grabbing culture and behaviour of the powerful and the powerless empowering themselves by their strong ties to power.

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Why I despise disciplining knowledge: It oversimplifies the world by destroying its complexity

Why I despise disciplining knowledge: It oversimplifies the world by destroying its complexity

Disciplining knowledge stifles the emergence of alternative knowledge production cultures or systems, thereby denying the learning enterprise from cultivating alternative scholarship and alternative analysts, let alone genuine team scientists.

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Resetting Uganda: Need for broader minds to dismantle education pigeon holes Ugandans are fed in

Resetting Uganda: Need for broader minds to dismantle education pigeon holes Ugandans are fed in

It is perhaps Hobbes’ observation and awareness that the logical outcome of egotistical individuals, all deciding how best to survive, would be anarchy, that should spur Ugandans to think and rethink their future in light of what is happening. They might even have to rethink  the commitment of their leaders to their need for tranquil minds and peace well in the future.

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Integrating conservation, biodiversity and sustainability: The case of Uganda and East Africa

Integrating conservation, biodiversity and sustainability: The case of Uganda and East Africa

A lack of interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, transdisciplinary and non-disciplinary or extra-disciplinary scholars working on solutions-based research has been a barrier to achieving sustainability objectives in the country. Yet without achieving sustainability objectives we are just sojourners of the century.

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Wean and win: How can Uganda liberate herself from foreign aid dependency?

Wean and win: How can Uganda liberate herself from foreign aid dependency?

Unfortunately, foreign aid is not charity, although when leaders talk to convince the people that foreign aid is good, they submit it as if it is charity. Foreign aid is not charity, and as the CFI has shown, it has many strings attached. It is ethnocentric. And as I have frequently stated no foreigner gives you aid to help you more than he or she helps himself.

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Why organisations are opting for catalytic mechanisms to tamp down negative energy

For years I’ve been fascinated by something that Jim Collins labelled “catalytic mechanisms” in a 1999 Harvard Business Review article. The article, titled Turning Goals into Results: The Power of Catalytic Mechanisms, described how to powerfully influence people in organisations to change their behaviour – easily, permanently and nearly effortlessly....

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President Museveni: A Tutsi creeper who wiggled to power in Uganda, now using it to mutilate the Pearl of Africa

President Museveni: A Tutsi creeper who wiggled to power in Uganda, now using it to mutilate the Pearl of Africa

In Africa, Uganda is one of the countries that have experienced the highest turnovers of government since the end of orthodox colonialism. Most of the changes have come through the barrel of the gun. In countries such as Ghana and Nigeria, where the barrel of the gun used to mediate...

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Thrilla in Manila: Women’s financial inclusion is a fight for Sustainable Development Goals

Thrilla in Manila: Women’s financial inclusion is a fight for Sustainable Development Goals

Unlocking women’s economic power and closing the gender gap will not only help us achieve Sustainable Development Goal 5 – which is focused on gender equality – it will also help accelerate progress towards many of the 16 other goals.

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How Vandals of Uganda captured state, created a slave society where investors trample on workers  

How Vandals of Uganda captured state, created a slave society where investors trample on workers  

It is not surprising that recent scientifically-backed assertions have put the number of mentally deranged Ugandans at 14 million out of a population of 45 million. If one was not reserved in use of words, one would say that this deplorable situation reflects poor governance of the country. A country is its people and resources. Governance that separates people from resources and concentrates on exploiting the resources without any strategy to renew, conserve or distribute them fairly among the people, is failed governance, a result of misgovernance. In this case the people and their communities are taken as roadblocks to progress.

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How President Museveni’s Rwandan Tutsi origins power apartheid-style governance in Uganda

How President Museveni’s Rwandan Tutsi origins power apartheid-style governance in Uganda

Segregation in education began to take root as soon as President Tibuhaburwa Museveni enforced Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 1997, followed by Universal Secondary Education (USE), without corresponding efficient equipping of the schools with necessary materials, or just salaries for teachers. Teachers have to engage in multiple types of work to make ends meet. Both UPE and USE are very poorly funded.

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