Was Museveni, NRA’s 1981-1986 armed revolt in Uganda an occupation, liberation, revolution or counter-revolution?

Was Museveni, NRA’s 1981-1986 armed revolt in Uganda an occupation, liberation, revolution or counter-revolution?

Every year on February 26, the army and NRM government remind Ugandans and the world that the celebration is a celebration of the liberation of Uganda. Many times both liberation and revolution are used to glue Ugandans to activities of NRA in the bushes of Luwero from 1981 to 1986 rather than the future in a complex century 2021 and beyond, with numerous wicked problems requiring thinking, rethinking and pertinent actions. Such problems include green land grabbling and climate change and their causes.

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How successive regimes in Uganda have deprived Busoga Kingdom of right to citizenship, self-esteem

How successive regimes in Uganda have deprived Busoga Kingdom of right to citizenship, self-esteem

During his earlier reign as Kyabazinga, Sir William Wilberforce Kadhumbula Gabula Nadiope II liberated Kyabazingaship from the Busoga Lukiiko, made it Kyabazinga of Busoga, appointed a Katikiiro like that of Buganda and tried to make what was a political institution a hereditary institution.

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Busoga in Uganda is a classic case of how rogue regimes can deprive a people of their right to good life

Busoga in Uganda is a classic case of how rogue regimes can deprive a people of their right to good life

Today, for example the cluster of districts of Busoga, where the real local power and authority lies, rather than in the Kyabazinga’s government, collects taxes, but have to send it to the centre and then hungrily wait to be given bits to maintain their administrations, roads, schools and health facilities. The result is that the quality of roads, schools and health facilities has plummeted.

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Implications of Museveni’s Non-Aligned Movement chairmanship on Uganda politics

Implications of Museveni’s Non-Aligned Movement chairmanship on Uganda politics

One thing is true. Throughout President Museveni’s rule, especially since 1996 when he surrendered himself to elective politics, Opposition politicians have not been allowed to enjoy free political association and/or activities while the President rules. Theirs has been strictly controlled and regulated so as not to adversely affect the President hold onto power.

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How ‘educated fools of Uganda’ thrive in Museveni’s tyranny, unethical and immoral politics

How ‘educated fools of Uganda’ thrive in Museveni’s tyranny, unethical and immoral politics

Simply put, educated fools are people who have tonnes of academic achievements to their credit and are full of bookish knowledge, but have very little practical experience and common sense. They lack real knowledge, wisdom, understanding and insight.

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While Museveni uses poverty to trample upon Basoga people, he should bear in mind they are worth $12 trillion in gold

While Museveni uses poverty to trample upon Basoga people, he should bear in mind they are worth $12 trillion in gold

Government officials continue to say Busoga is poor because the people are lazy. But Busoga has now a new choice to rise to prosperity again: its mineral wealth. Perturbed by the NRM government exclusionary strategy to separate Busoga from its mineral wealth and then continue characterising the Basoga as lazy

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South African case against Israel is an example of activist foreign policy that’s ignored Russia’s crimes in Ukraine

South African case against Israel is an example of activist foreign policy that’s ignored Russia’s crimes in Ukraine

Having taken up the cause of Palestinians in Gaza, South Africa could come under pressure to take up the causes of other groups whose human rights are trampled upon, and which could face genocide. If South Africa really wants to pursue an activist foreign policy, it has to be all-embracing, as no just cause can be neglected. There is no sign that it is prepared to do so.

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I mourn for Uganda: Pearl of Africa is saddled with Yoweri Museveni, the country’s problem No.1

I mourn for Uganda: Pearl of Africa is saddled with Yoweri Museveni, the country’s problem No.1

President Tibuhaburwa Museveni long ago wrote in his book, What is Africa’s Problem, “that the problem of Africa is leaders who overstay in power. This was an admission by the then new president of Uganda that behind every problem is the problem of leadership.

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Globalisation: Why Non-Aligned Movement is a contradiction in a world interlinked by Internet

Globalisation: Why Non-Aligned Movement is a contradiction in a world interlinked by Internet

Political powers are resisting Internet and trying to role back into the 20th century when the World Wide Web was emerging. Despite the increasingly intricate interconnections and interdependences, some countries are stuck with the idea of nonalignment.

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Politics and religion: How Uganda’s Museveni pulverised Christianity into a wild god for governance

Politics and religion: How Uganda’s Museveni pulverised Christianity into a wild god for governance

In The Prince, Machiavelli prescribes what makes a ruler appear invincible: possessing prowess and being able to build own dynasty on own terms or agenda, free from influence from anyone including the clergy, academics, intellectuals, even own family, executive, legislature, judiciary or Constitution.

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