After genocide, Rwanda re-organised its education system to inject quality that Uganda can borrow a leaf from

After genocide, Rwanda re-organised its education system to inject quality that Uganda can borrow a leaf from

Rwanda was also affected by globalisation, with all its “vices” of privatisation, massification and marketisation of education. However, patriotism, which is not officially taught like we do in Uganda, pushed the Rwandese government to rethink what the education system was producing. It rethought the products from the private education institutions and the entire education system.

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Gi-Go: How Museveni family choked quality and promoted ‘castesm’ in education system in Uganda

Gi-Go: How Museveni family choked quality and promoted ‘castesm’ in education system in Uganda

One thing must be emphasised. It is under the sovereign jurisdiction of the First Family in the education system that massification, privatisation, commercialization, marketisation and stratification of education has occurred. In this article, I have actually been concerned with esterification of education as a function of the First Family’s choices in education and their consequences on Ugandan society in the short, medium and long-term.

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Miscellany: Uganda is a country of diversities waiting to be harnessed for development

Miscellany: Uganda is a country of diversities waiting to be harnessed for development

Agreeing to agree and to disagree can add value to leadership and governance as well as development, transformation and progress of a country. It can also contribute to genuine political development of the leaders and the led, the governors and the governed.

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Regimes teeming with freeloaders like Uganda’s often birth morally and culturally ‘unidentified flying objects’

Regimes teeming with freeloaders like Uganda’s often birth morally and culturally ‘unidentified flying objects’

In Uganda we the elderly are watching as false economic schemes such as Myooga and Parish Development Model, based on giving “money bonanzas” to a few individuals in our communities in the hope that if they become rich their richness and prosperity will flow downward to us to benefit the rest of the community.

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Have Ugandans resigned to being sitting ducks, surrendered sovereignty and resolved to belong nowhere?

Have Ugandans resigned to being sitting ducks, surrendered sovereignty and resolved to belong nowhere?

Have Ugandans as a totality agreed to belong nowhere in the 21st century? Already, Ugandans have been dispossessed and displaced from their ancestral lands by people who originally belonged to arid and semi-arid areas and who are attached more to grass and cow than the land.

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Gaza war gives Iran’s Axis of Resistance reason to hit US interests in widened Middle East conflict

Gaza war gives Iran’s Axis of Resistance reason to hit US interests in widened Middle East conflict

Some Iranian attacks were in retaliation for attacks on its interests. Last month an Israeli air strike in Syria killed a senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander. Its attack on Pakistan might have been more of a message from Tehran to all separatists not to take advantage of the wider war to attack Iran.

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NRM and Museveni regime neoliberalising everything in Uganda: Case of green landgrab

NRM and Museveni regime neoliberalising everything in Uganda: Case of green landgrab

However, under the neoliberal processes and a spate of green landgrabs many of these resources are under constant threat of being grabbed by people in power or those connected to power. Maruzi Ranch, for example, was invaded by people with long-horned cattle. Some people said they came from Tanzania from where they were kicked out by former President Jakaya Kikwete.

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Was Museveni, NRA’s 1981-1986 armed revolt in Uganda an occupation, liberation, revolution or counter-revolution?

Was Museveni, NRA’s 1981-1986 armed revolt in Uganda an occupation, liberation, revolution or counter-revolution?

Every year on February 26, the army and NRM government remind Ugandans and the world that the celebration is a celebration of the liberation of Uganda. Many times both liberation and revolution are used to glue Ugandans to activities of NRA in the bushes of Luwero from 1981 to 1986 rather than the future in a complex century 2021 and beyond, with numerous wicked problems requiring thinking, rethinking and pertinent actions. Such problems include green land grabbling and climate change and their causes.

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How successive regimes in Uganda have deprived Busoga Kingdom of right to citizenship, self-esteem

How successive regimes in Uganda have deprived Busoga Kingdom of right to citizenship, self-esteem

During his earlier reign as Kyabazinga, Sir William Wilberforce Kadhumbula Gabula Nadiope II liberated Kyabazingaship from the Busoga Lukiiko, made it Kyabazinga of Busoga, appointed a Katikiiro like that of Buganda and tried to make what was a political institution a hereditary institution.

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Busoga in Uganda is a classic case of how rogue regimes can deprive a people of their right to good life

Busoga in Uganda is a classic case of how rogue regimes can deprive a people of their right to good life

Today, for example the cluster of districts of Busoga, where the real local power and authority lies, rather than in the Kyabazinga’s government, collects taxes, but have to send it to the centre and then hungrily wait to be given bits to maintain their administrations, roads, schools and health facilities. The result is that the quality of roads, schools and health facilities has plummeted.

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